In Quebec, if you have a car, you must sign up for liability insurance from a private company. The minimum amount covered by the policy must be $50,000. The policy guarantees compensation for property damage caused:

  • by your vehicle;
  • to your vehicle in the case of a collision with another vehicle for which you are not responsible.


If you use your vehicle without carrying insurance, you could be fined. The fine can be a minimum of $325 if you are the owner of the vehicle.

Driver's licence suspension

If you did not sign up for insurance, and you caused an accident that resulted in property damage evaluated at over $500, your driver's license, or your right to obtain one, will be automatically suspended. The Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) will prohibit you or anyone from using the road vehicles you own.

Liability insurance is not a topic covered by laws monitored by the Office. For more information, see the SAAQ Web site.

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Last update : May 3, 2021

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