Are you interested in learning about the rules surrounding communication with a creditor? You may be interested in the following information.

A creditor who contacts you to collect a sum of money must provide his or her identity. The creditor is also required to abide by other rules.

Contacting you at work

Is a creditor contacting you at work? The creditor may contact you, or the person who acts as guarantor, only one time. The person who acts as guarantor has agreed to pay in your place if you fail to do so.

Creditors are allowed to contact you at work in either of the following situations:

  • they do not have your personal address or telephone number; or
  • they have unsuccessfully attempted to contact you by telephone at home or were unable to contact the person who acts as guarantor.

If you have granted your authorization to be contacted at work, the creditor is not limited to a single call.

Contacting friends or relatives

Creditors are not allowed to contact people around you: your spouse, partner, relatives, friends, acquaintances or neighbours.

This rule does not apply in 2 situations:

  • a person acts as your debt’ s guarantor;
  • the creditor does not have your address or telephone number. The creditor may then communicate only once with one of these people in order to obtain your contact information.

Ceasing communications

If you want the creditor to only communicate with your legal advisor, notify the creditor of that fact in writing. He or she is required to comply with your request.

If you are contesting the debt and would like the creditor to ask the courts to rule on the matter, notify the creditor of that fact in writing. The creditor will not be allowed to contact you again.


If a creditor fails to abide by these rules when contacting you, you may file a complaint with the Office de la protection du consommateur. The page titled Contact Us lists our contact information.

Are you not the person who owes the money claimed by a creditor? The creditor may have confused you with another person with the same name.

Right from the 1st contact, let the creditor know he or she has made a mistake. The creditor will not be allowed to contact you again. If he or she does, you may file a complaint with the Office de la protection du consommateur. The page titled Contact Us lists our contact information.

Last update : February 28, 2023

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The information contained on this page is presented in simple terms to make it easier to understand. It does not replace the texts of the laws and regulations.