In general, merchants are not permitted to charge fees for the activation, usage or non-use of a prepaid card redeemable for specific goods or services.

Types of fees Fees permitted
Increase in the value of the goods or services Yes, if the value of the service and the date when the additional fees will be applicable are indicated on the card.
Replacement at the merchant’s request No
Replacement at your request Yes
Customizing Yes

Fees related to the increase in value of the goods or services

Merchants can charge additional fees to cover the difference between the value of the goods or services at the time the card was purchased and when it is redeemed. For further information on this subject, see expiry dates.

Replacement fees

If the merchant requires you to replace your card, it must be replaced for free. The balance on your cards remains intact.

For a lost or stolen card, merchants may charge replacement fees if they informed you of this policy before you purchased the card. Merchants may also refuse to replace the card if they did not agree to do so and do not have a record of the card balance.

Fees for customizing

Merchants are permitted to charge fees to customize a card, for example if you wish to have your name or your picture on it.

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Last update : May 3, 2021

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