The repair work done on microwave ovens, air conditioning appliances and dehumidifiers is guaranteed. Moreover, you have recourse against the person who did the repairs if the work is poorly done or charged at a higher price than expected.

Warranty on repairs

If the problem comes back within 3 months following the repair, the repair person must do the work again for free. This warranty covers parts and labour.

Repairs poorly done or more expensive than expected

If you have approved an evaluation and paid for the repairs, you have recourse against a repair person who:

  • has poorly done the repairs;
  • invoices an amount higher than the one included in the evaluation.

In such situations, we advise that you pay the invoice “under protest,” which means that you will dispute the amount paid. You must add the note “under protest” on the following document:

  • the check handed to the repair person;
  • the invoice;
  • the receipt obtained following a payment by credit card (when a signature is required).

After this first step, you can present your case to the small claims court. The page Presenting a case to the small claims court explains how to do so.

If any other kind of small appliance has been poorly repaired, start by trying to find a solution with the repair person. If you cannot reach an agreement, you can send a formal notice. The page Formally notifying a merchant explains how to do so.

Last update : May 3, 2021

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