The Office de la protection du consommateur has worked in partnership with the Autorité des marchés financiers and the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail to develop teaching activities that complement the secondary school Financial Education program. This material is intended to build on the program’s primary competency: Takes a position on a financial issue.
Teachers can choose from activities that propose a variety of learning situations that are adapted to the reality of young people and focus on developing this competency and its components: Assesses the situation, Examines different options, Considers the legal aspects of each option and Puts his/her position in perspective.
The Office activities
Consult the Office's activities that specifically target the following financial issue: Consuming Goods and Services.
Note: If you are a teacher of the Financial Education program for Adult General Education, please see the adapted version of the activities (in French only).
Consuming Goods and Services
The teacher leads a discussion with the class on goods and services consumption. In small groups, students analyze their most recent purchases.
Issues Associated with My Consumption
Students learn more about and reflect on various consumer topics of interest to young people through research on credible websites, then present the information they find to other students.
Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Students are informed about consumer rights and responsibilities as well as how to negotiate with merchants. They learn how to draft a formal notice (also referred to as a formal demand or a demand letter) based on a scenario.
Which Tablet Should I Buy?
Students will carry out every step of a purchasing process to buy an electronic tablet.
An Ad of My Own
Students are made aware of how advertising affects us and exercise critical thinking in analyzing the content of advertisements, or ads, and advertising strategies. They go on to develop their own ad campaign.
What Affects My Credit History?
A range of scenarios will be presented to students, who must explain how their credit history will be tarnished and what they must do to correct the situation or maintain their credit rating.
Demand the Right Price!
Using a checklist and various information tools, students answer an online questionnaire on pricing accuracy and how prices are indicated in stores.
Test Your Knowledge of Warranties
Using various information tools, the students answer an online questionnaire on warranties and how to enforce them.
Your Cellphone Contract
Students answer questions after watching a funny video about buying a cell phone.
Your Credit Card
Students answer questions after watching a funny video about getting a credit card.
Expensive "Free" Samples
Students answer questions about online purchases.
Find the Prohibited Practices
Students are asked to analyze a fictitious circular to identify problematic or prohibited business practices.
Influencer Marketing
Students learn the ground rules influencers must follow if they publish sponsored posts on social media.
Buy Now, Pay Later
Students put together a list of drawbacks and benefits for consumers when they use “Buy Now, Pay Later” services to make their purchases.
Additional information
Go to the Office de la protection du consommateur's Teacher Zone to access more activities and teaching material that will help you cover consumer issues in your classroom.
Would you like to invite a representative of the Office to your school to discuss consumer issues? Our agents are available to talk about cell phone contracts, credit, advertising and many other topics. Contact us.
Other activities
Also consult the activities offered by the Office's partners:
The Teachers page on Tesaffaires.com, the youth site of the Autorité des marchés financiers, presents activities that specifically cover the following financial issues: Entering the Workforce and Consuming Goods and Services.
The Zone Enseignants page of the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail presents activities that specifically cover the following financial issue: Entering the Workforce (in French only).
The Revenu Québec website presents activities that specifically cover the following financial issues: Entering the Workforce and Consuming Goods and Services.
The RÉCIT de l’univers social (in French only).
Last update : November 29, 2024
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