Here are examples of small claims court judgments, where consumers asserted their legal warranty rights. This tool can be useful to you in your negotiations with a merchant. For example, it could help you determine a reasonable durability period for your item or estimate the amount of compensation for damages to which you may be entitled. 

Cautionary note

These judgment summaries are presented for reference purposes only. An application that was settled in favour of a consumer in one situation may not necessarily result in the same ruling for another consumer. 

Several factors can influence a judge's decision regarding a reasonable durability period for an item. These include the price paid, contract clause provisions, the conditions under which the  item is used, etc. Remember that each case is different, and every decision is rendered on the basis of the evidence brought before the court.  

Exemples of judgments

Television stopped working 5 ½ years after purchase (defective motherboard)

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $3,188.34 plus tax, including $309.95 for an extended warranty

Claim for $3,834.98

Reimbursement of purchase price including taxes, plus $100 for loss of time and other costs

Amount awarded


Cost of repairing the television

Full judgment (in French only)

Gélinas c. LG Électroniques Canada

June 2016

Television that stopped working just over 5 years after purchase

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $1,353.37

Claim for $1,843.37

Cancellation of sale contract

Amount awarded


  • $450 for the reduction of the sale price;
  • $40 for costs of repairs estimate;
  • $200 for inconvenience suffered.

Full judgment (in French only)

Jobin c. Samsung Electronics Canada

August 2015

Television stopped working 5 ½ years after purchase

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $1,776.88, tax included

Claim for $2,220.38

Reimbursement of purchase price, plus financing costs ($243.50) and $200 for inconvenience suffered

Amount awarded


  • $888.44 for the reimbursement of 50% of purchase price;
  • $121.75 for the reimbursement of 50% of the amount financed;
  • $200 for inconveniences suffered.

Full judgment (in French only)

Nadeau c. Samsung Canada

March 2015

Television defective fifteen months after purchase

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $2,370.38

Claim for $4,999

Reimbursement of purchase price, $337.75 for extended warranty, loss of use of the television, and reimbursement of cable service fees

Amount awarded


  • Reimbursement of purchase price;
  • $712.35 for reimbursement of extended warranty and cable service fees;
  • $750 in punitive damages.

Full judgment (in French only)

Lépine c. Centre Hi-Fi (Lachenaie)

March 2015

Television stopped working 7 years after purchase

Claim dismissed


Purchase price: $2,848.75, including tax

Claim for $2,848.75 (purchase price)

Amount awarded


Lack of evidence establishing reasonable lifespan of good

Full judgment (in French only)

Hamel c. Toshiba du Canada ltée

January 2015

Television stopped working 4 years after purchase

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $1,799.99 plus tax

Claim for $3,263.02

Including the reimbursement of four months’ satellite television subscription and compensation for lost time

Amount awarded


Reason not specified

Full judgment (in French only)

Hénonin c. Samsung Electronics Canada inc.

November 2014

Television stopped working 17 months after purchase

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $930.56

Claim for $930.56 (purchase price)

Amount awarded


Taking into account 17 months of use

Full judgment (in French only)

Clément c. LG Électroniques Canada inc.

June 2014

Television stopped working approximately two and a half years after purchase (automatically shuts off a few seconds after being turned on and the bottom of the screen cracked)

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $1,851.67 plus $179.99 for extended warranty

Claim for damages (amount not specified)

Amount awarded


Loss of use of television

Full judgment (in French only)

Raffi c. Bricks

May 2014

Television stopped working after 3 ½ years of use

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $2,857.96

Claim for $3,897.96

  • $2,857.96 for the reimbursement of purchase price;
  • $20 for postage expenses;
  • $20 for travel expenses;
  • $500 for loss of use of television;
  • $500 for inconvenience suffered.

Amount awarded


$1,000 reduction in purchase price plus $200 for inconvenience suffered

Full judgment (in French only)

Bétit c. Samsung électronique du Canada inc.

March 2014

Television stopped working three and a half years after purchase

Claim allowed in part


Purchase price: $1,288.77

Claim for $1,059.48

  • $945.55 representing residual value of 65%;
  • $113.93 for cost of estimate.

Amount awarded


  • $113.93 for cost of estimate;
  • $837.80 for residual value of television.

Full judgment (in French only)

Cochrane c. Samsung Electronics Canada Inc.

January 2014

Continuing your search

You can also consult other court decisions concerning legal warranties using the search engine available free of charge on the SOQUIJ website (in French only).

Last update : August 21, 2024

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