To find a business, you can enter the following information in the search field:

  • its official name;
  • one or more keywords that appear in that name;
  • its address;
  • its Office permit or licence number;
  • its Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ).

The NEQ can be found on the website of the Registraire des entreprises.

Example of a search by business name

You are looking for information about the ABCD Agency. You enter the keywords “Agency” and “ABCD.” The Get Information About a Merchant tool will display the merchants whose name or contact information contains at least one of these 2 words.

If you are unable to find the business you are looking for, try entering a more precise name.

The tool also displays the names used by a given merchant in the past. When a name is listed as inactive with the Registraire des entreprises, it is displayed in the tool for 2 years with the indication “nom antérieur” (previous name). You can therefore do a search using a business’ former name.

Other resources to get information about a merchant

To discover other search tools, refer to the page titled Other Resources to Get Information About a Merchant.

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