When a merchant advertises the price of a product or a service, they must advertise an “all-inclusive price”. This means that the price must represent the full amount you are required to pay to buy the product or the service.

The total price must prevail visually over the amounts that are included within it. For example, a merchant who advertises the price of a one-way airplane ticket must emphasize the total price of the ticket.

This obligation applies, regardless of the medium used to advertise: television, radio, posters, price tags, etc.

Certain amounts, such as the sales taxes, can be excluded from the all-inclusive price. The page What is excluded from the advertised price? provides more information on this topic.

About the pricing of automobiles, electronic devices, trips or event tickets

Find out more about all-inclusive prices and advertisements pertaining to:

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Last update : May 3, 2021

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