You can cancel a membership to a fitness or weight management centre if you do so in writing, within the provided deadlines. Whether you have concluded your contract in person, by phone or online, the same rules apply.

Cancellation deadline: short term

Under the Consumer Protection Act, you can cancel your contract at 2 different times:

  • before the beginning of the delivery of services included in the contract. In this case, no fees can be charged;
  • within a deadline that is less than or equal to 1/10 of the contract’s duration, from the moment the centre started delivering the services. In this case, the merchant can claim a fee that corresponds to 1/10 of the total cost specified in the contract.

For example: you signed a 10-month contract with a fitness centre for a total cost of $400. You can end the contract within the first 4 weeks. If you do so, the centre can charge you $40, that is, 1/10 of $400.

Cancellation deadline: longer term

If you want to cancel your contract after the deadline set forth in the Consumer Protection Act, you can do so under the Civil Code of Québec. But before you do, the Office de la protection du consommateur advises you to learn more about Articles 2125 and 2129 of the Civil Code. In particular, you can contact a lawyer or a legal assistance organization.

The merchant may charge you a compensation fee. In particular, the merchant has the right to claim payment for services rendered. For example: you are cancelling a 1-year contract that cost $420 after 4 months. The merchant could lawfully claim:

  • $140 for the period during which you received services;
  • an additional amount, if the merchant can prove that it suffered damages as a result of the contract cancellation.

The merchant will be required to refund any amounts you paid in advance for services that were not rendered.

If you are of the opinion that the compensation claimed is excessive, you can dispute them in court.

How to cancel a membership

To cancel a membership, you must fill out and send the cancellation form enclosed with the contract or another written notice to the merchant.

We recommend that you send the document via registered mail. The contract is cancelled from the moment the form or notice is sent.

From the postmark date, the merchant has 10 days to refund you, if applicable.

Cancelling a purchase made from a group purchasing website

Have you purchased a prepaid card or voucher to be redeemed for a membership in a fitness or weight -management centre on a group purchasing website? If the merchant who manages the website does not respect its obligations and you paid with a credit card, you can cancel the purchase. The Exchanges and refunds page provides further information on conditions and deadlines provided by law.

Cancellation terms for the purchase of material or equipment

If you purchased material or equipment from the merchant for a total value of more than $100, you can cancel the purchase contract (without cancelling your membership to the centre). You must proceed, based on the option that provides you with the most time, within 10 days of either of the following dates:

  • delivery of the material or equipment;
  • the day on which the merchant gave you access to the fitness centre or began providing you with weight management services.

To cancel your purchase, you have 2 options:

  • return the items to the merchant;
  • send the cancellation form enclosed with the purchase contract or another written notice to the merchant. It such a case, you must return the items to the merchant within 10 days after sending the form or notice.

If you cancel your membership with the centre, you can cancel the material or equipment purchase contract at the same time. You simply have to return the items to the merchant within 10 days after cancelling your membership. The items, however, must have been in your possession for fewer than 2 months or less than one-third of the total duration of the membership, whichever period is the shortest.

If the items are damaged by your fault, the merchant may refuse to cancel the contract.

From the moment the contract is cancelled, the merchant has 10 days to reimburse you. The merchant is also responsible for any fees incurred to return the material or equipment.

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Last update : May 3, 2021

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