Is your contract with a fitness or weight management centre coming to an end? The merchant has 2 options:

  • offer you to sign a new contract. The page titled Knowing the Contents of the Contract provides information on what the contract must contain;
  • make you an offer to renew, in compliance with the following rules.

Any clause that allows the merchant to renew automatically is prohibited.

Offer to renew

The merchant’s offer to renew must:

  • be made in writing (it may be sent by email if you agree);
  • be given to you 30 to 60 days before the end of your contract;
  • indicate the length of the renewed contract, its total cost and the terms of payment.

The renewed contract may not cost more than the preceding contract, even if it is for a longer period of time. If the centre offers you a contact for a shorter period, its cost must be proportional to that of the preceding contract. Here is an example: your contract for 12 months, at a cost of $500, is coming to an end. The centre offers to renew your contract for a period of 6 months. The centre cannot charge you more than $250.

In order for your contract to be renewed, you must provide your written authorization to the fitness or weight management centre before the end of your membership.

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Last update : February 22, 2022

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