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Ads... Always about Spending?

Students discover the difference between commercial and public service advertising.

Author : Office de la protection du consommateur

Subject : Advertising

Type : Association, Dictation, Discussion

Grade : Elementary Cycle 3

Length : 1 hour 30 minutes

Ad Hunting

Students are asked to observe as many ads as they can in their immediate surroundings at school and at home.

Author : Office de la protection du consommateur

Subject : Advertising

Type : Analysis, Discussion, Observation, Research

Grade : Secondary Cycle 1

Length : 60 minutes in class + homework

Losing Your Shirt

This activity helps students better understand the inequitable working conditions in developing countries.

Author : Établissement vert Brundtland (adaptation of “D’un commerce agréable… et équitable”)

Subject : Responsible Consumption, Advertising

Type : Arts and Crafts, Discussion, Reflection

Grade : Elementary Cycle 3

Length : 3 hours

Advertising to Kids

This activity shows students why ads targeting kids under age 13 are prohibited by law and the main aspects of the legislation. 

Author : Office de la protection du consommateur

Subject : Advertising

Type : Discussion, Presentation, Research

Grade : Elementary Cycle 3; Secondary Cycle 1

Length : 2 hours

Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising

Students reflect on the sexual stereotypes shown in ads.

Author : HabiloMédias

Subject : Advertising

Type : Discussion, Reflection, Teamwork, Creation, Presentation

Grade : Secondary Cycle 1; Secondary Cycle 2

Length : 20 minutes