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Advertising to Kids

This activity shows students why ads targeting kids under age 13 are prohibited by law and the main aspects of the legislation. 

Author  : Office de la protection du consommateur

Subject  : Advertising

Type  : Discussion; Presentation; Research

Grade  : Elementary Cycle 3; Secondary Cycle 1

Length  : 2 hours

Au bonheur des publicitaires (In French only)

An article on overconsumption and advertising with suggested classroom activities and teacher resources.

Author  : HabiloMédias

Subject  : Advertising

Type  : Discussion; Reading; Observation

Grade  : Elementary Cycle 3; Secondary Cycle 1

Length  : 60 minutes

A Look at Food Advertising

This activity helps students realize how advertising affects eating habits.

Author  : HabiloMédias

Subject  : Advertising

Type  : Arts and Crafts; Creation; Discussion; Presentation

Grade  : Elementary Cycle 1; Elementary Cycle 2; Elementary Cycle 3

Length  : 1 heure

A Comic Strip on Responsible Consumption

Students create a comic strip on the factors that spur their consumption and on potential solutions.

Author  : Établissement vert Brundtland (adaptation of “D’un commerce agréable… et équitable”)

Subject  : Responsible Consumption

Type  : Creation; Debate; Presentation; Team Reflection

Grade  : Elementary Cycle 3

Length  : 2 to 3 hours

The Challenge of Responsible Consumption

Students learn the steps to responsible consumer decision-making and apply the process to their own situation.

Author  : Office de la protection du consommateur

Subject  : Responsible Consumption

Type  : Discussion; Individual work

Grade  : Elementary Cycle 3; Secondary Cycle 1

Length  : 45 minutes