Subject: Notice of cancellation of a distance purchase

Place and date:
Merchant’s name:
Merchant’s address:


I wish to inform you that I am hereby cancelling the purchase described below.

Item or service of which the purchase is cancelled:

Address of the website on which the purchase was made:

Date of the purchase:

Reason for the cancellation:

Amount of the reimbursement claimed, including taxes and any other fees paid:

Sections 54.8, 54.9 and 54.9.1 of Québec’s Consumer Protection Act provide for the cancellation of a purchase.

Section 54.13 of the Act stipulates that you must reimburse me within 15 days after sending this cancellation notice.

Section 54.13 also requires that you cover the fees to return the item that was delivered to me, if applicable. Please indicate the manner in which you intend to abide by your obligation to cover those fees.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Consumer’s name:

Consumer’s contact information:

Last update : May 5, 2023

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