The Act respecting the collection of certain debts governs the methods collection agents may use to collect money.

Threats and intimidation

Collection agents are not allowed to use threats, harassment or intimidation. For example, they are prohibited from threatening to let other people know you have debts.

If you do not pay the amounts you owe, the collection agent may not lead you to believe that he or she will:

  • initiate legal proceedings against you; or
  • have you arrested and that you will go to prison.

Having debts cannot lead to your arrest. Such assertions are false, illegal, and are only made to scare you.

You have recourse options against any collection agent who engages in such practices.

The methods collection agents may use to contact you are regulated. The section titled Communications from a Collection Agent provides information on this subject.

Moreover, you may ask the collection agent to only contact you in writing. You can read about this subject on the page titled Asking the Agent to Contact You in Writing.

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Last update : May 3, 2021

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