Note that search results are only available in French.

Check whether the Office has intervened with a merchant, whether the merchant has received formal notices from consumers, and whether it holds a permit or licence (in French only).

Get Information About a Merchant is a tool that lets consumers do a search among the merchants about which the Office holds information.

Information contained in the tool

Not all merchants that do business in Québec are listed in the Get Information About a Merchant tool. Merchants must meet at least one of the conditions to be listed in the tool.

For each merchant that is listed you will find the following information:

  • certain monitoring actions carried out by the Office with the merchant in question (notices of offence, criminal prosecution or published voluntary commitment) and the results of those actions (guilty or not-guilty plea, judgment, criminal penalty);
  • the number of formal notices the merchant has received from consumers, of which the Office has received a copy and meet the criteria for publication;
  • where applicable, the licence(s) or permit(s) and exemption(s) issued by the Office of which the merchant is or has been a holder, and any press releases (in French only) issued by the Office or compensation files concerning the merchant.

Other tools made available by the Office

Other search tools are available to help you find more information about a merchant. You can:

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The information contained on this page is presented in simple terms to make it easier to understand. It does not replace the texts of the laws and regulations.