The Office de la protection du consommateur offers you a few tips and information about the Price Accuracy Policy.

Never pay a price above the advertised price

Stores with price tags on the items

  • Merchants that put a price tag on each item must sell you the item at the price indicated on it, and never a higher price.
  • They are not required to apply the Price Accuracy Policy.

Stores with prices on the shelves

  • Merchants that are exempt from the individual price tagging rule must indicate prices on the shelves, use an optical scanner and post the Price Accuracy Policy.
  • They are required to apply the Price Accuracy Policy.

What does the Price Accuracy Policy provide for when the price at the cash register is higher than the one on the price tag?

Item priced at $10 or less

The merchant must give you the item free of charge.

Item priced at more than $10

The merchant must give you a $10 discount on the price indicated in the store.

A few important points

  • What if the same error appears on two or more identical items? The merchant must sell you each item at the price indicated in the store. However, the compensation provided for by the Policy only applies to a single item.
  • The Price Accuracy Policy does not apply to certain items. These include, among other things, cow’s milk, items without bar codes, clothing and certain medications. Refer to the page titled Products Not Affected by the Price Accuracy Policy to find out about all the exemptions.
  • What if the price at the cash register is lower than the price indicated in the store? You are not entitled to that compensation, because the error is in your favour.
  • What if the bar code read at the cash register is for a different product than the one you are purchasing? The Policy does not apply in that case.
  • The Price Accuracy Policy does not apply when a product is placed near a shelf price label that refers to another product.

How can the Policy be applied?

The Policy applies as soon as the price is put into the cash register, even if the transaction is not completed, on condition that you purchase the item.

  • Write down the price of the products on your list of purchases. It will be easier for you to remember it when you get to the cash register!
  • Look for the sign near the cash registers.
  • If you have a smart phone with you, show the cashier the page on this subject on the Office website:
  • If the cashier cannot help you, ask to see a supervisor.
  • What if you only find out about the error after the fact? No worries! You can go back to the store and have the policy applied.
  • If you have any problems, you can contact the Office to file a complaint.

If a price tag is left on an item after the sale has ended, does the Policy still apply?

What happens if a merchant forgot to remove a price tag that indicates a sale price after the sale has ended?

  • If a sale expiry date or validity period appears on the price tag, the merchant is entitled to sell you the item at the regular price.
  • If the sale period is not indicated, the merchant must compensate you in accordance with the Price Accuracy Policy, as applicable. If the Policy does not apply, the merchant must sell you the item at the sale price.

More tips

You will find more tips and detailed information in the section titled Price Indicated in the Store.

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Last update : July 27, 2023

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